Lucien-Piché/OmegaChem Scholarship awarded to Ms. Maude Cloutier from the chemistry department of Un
The board of administrators is happy to announce that the 2017 Lucien-Piché/OmegaChem Scholarship is awarded to Ms. Maude Cloutier from the chemistry department of Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, UQTR. Ms. Cloutier did her college studies in natural sciences at the Cégep de Sherbrooke. In 2015, she started her undergraduate studies in chemistry at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Ms. Cloutier has an impressive list of awards, prizes and scholarships that includes the prestigious NSERC undergraduate scholarship, a "bourse d'études Engagement vers ma réussite" from the Caisse-Populaire Desjardins du Val-St-François, an excellence scholarship from Domtar, and a Magella-Massé study scholarship. She was also nominated on the Dean's list of honour of UQTR in 2017. Ms. Cloutier did a research internship in the group of Pr. Gervais-Bérubé at UQTR where she worked on the development and biological evaluation of synthetic compounds that possess anti-inflammatory properties. Her list of volunteering activities is astonishing and includes being responsible for the treasury of the UQTR student's association, being member of the integration committee for new students at UQTR, volunteer tutor at Tournesol high school, volleyball trainer, volunteer at the food cooperative and at the Windsor Chevaliers de Colomb, and soccer trainer! She enjoys not only chemistry, but also soccer, volleyball, ultimate frisbee and guitar. The Fondation Lucien-Piché and OmegaChem are extremely proud to support and encourage a young promising scientist such as Ms. Cloutier with a 2,000$ scholarship and wish her all the very best in her studies and career.