Lucien-Piché/Paraza Pharma Scholarship awarded to M. Joseph Zsombor-Pindera from the chemistry depar
The board of administrators is happy to announce that the 2017 Lucien-Piché/Paraza Pharma Scholarship is awarded to Mr. Joseph...
Lucien-Piché/ThermoFisher Scientific Scholarship awarded to Ms. Monica Lin from the chemistry depart
The board of administrators is happy to announce that the 2017 Lucien-Piché/ThermoFisher Scientific Scholarship is awarded to Ms. Monica...
Pr. Xavier Ottenwaelder nominated to the position of administrator of the Foundation
The board of administrators of the Fondation Lucien-Piché is pleased to announce the nomination of Pr. Xavier Ottenwaelder to the...
Pr. Nicolas Moitessier nominated to the position of Vice-President of the Foundation
The board of administrators is happy to announce the nomination of Pr. Nicolas Moitessier to the position of Vice-President of the...
Pr. Christian Pellerin nominated to the position of Secretary of the Foundation
The board of administrators of the Fondation Lucien-Piché is happy to announce the renewal of the mandate of Pr. Christian Pellerin as...
Professor Annie Castonguay nominated to the position of Treasurer of the Foundation
The board of Administrators of the Fondation Lucien-Piché is pleased to announce the nomination of Pr. Annie Castonguay to the position...
Pr. Alexandre Gagnon nominated to the position of President of the Foundation
The board of Administrators of the Fondation Lucien-Piché is happy to announce the nomination of Pr. Alexandre Gagnon to the position of...
Rapport du Président pour l'année 2016-2017
Le conseil d'administration a tenu son assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) le 8 juin dernier. Voici le rapport du président faisant état...
Sponsorship from Bereskin & Parr
Announcement: The executive committee of the Fondation Lucien-Piché is proud to announce the addition of Bereskin & Parr to its list of...
Sponsorship from Advion
Announcement: The executive committee of the Fondation Lucien-Piché is proud to announce the addition of Advion to its list of sponsors....