Since its creation in 1987, the Fondation Lucien-Piché has awarded more than 120 scholarships for a total of more than 100,000$ to students enrolled in chemistry university programs accross the province of Québec.
The Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization which depends entirely on personal and corporative donations. The members of the board of directors of the Foundation are volunteers who do not receive any contribution, salary, benefit, or compensation. Sponsorships and donations are used to award scholarships and to cover the Foundation operating costs.
Your company wants to support the Fondation Lucien-Piché? Here are the numerous benefits in supporting the Foundation:
logo of your company on the Foundation website
mention of your contribution during the award ceremony
unique access to chemistry departments within Québec universities
access to best students within those programs
possibility of recruiting students from these programs
recognition of your contribution on the Foundation social networks
possibility of creating a scholarship with your company name
The Fondation Lucien-Piché offers four advantageous sponsorship packages for companies:

You want to sponsor the Foundation? Please contact us at fondationlucienpiche@gmail.com or communicate directly with one of the members of the board of directors.
You want to make a donation? Please send a check to the Fondation Lucien-Piché at:
Fondation Lucien-Piché
Département de chimie
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-Ville
Montréal, Québec, Canada
H3C 3J7
Please note that the Foundation can emit receipts for tax purposes. For any question related to the Foundation or to donations, please contact us at: bourses@fondationlucienpiche.org.